Home » The year that was transformative

The year that was transformative

If I can sum up 2022 in one word, it would be transformative. I’ve been a big fan of the idea of picking a word for the year for many years now, a word that sets the intention for the year ahead. Except I didn’t do it in 2022, I didn’t bother, or if I did I certainly didn’t remember it nor did I hold it in any regard, and that was the first time in a really long time.

It turns out that if you don’t pick a word of the year, the word will pick itself, and it’s only now, as I look back at the year can I see that it was transformative.

When 2022 began I didn’t really know what the year would hold for me, creatively at least. After the birth of my second baby in 2021, I felt like I didn’t really know how to be a content creator anymore, and after spending fifteen years of my career doing just that, I honestly felt a little lost. I would sit and ponder how I would come back into the world of content creation, but really 2022 taught me that I just needed to be patient. I leaned into waiting and being ok with whatever was to come next. While waiting I inadvertently stumbled upon it quite naturally.

Living more intentionally

Slow, Simple & Intentional living has been a huge part of the way we chose to live our lives, for a long time now, but this was the year that opened up my eyes to even more ways to embrace that. The more we lean into this way of living, rejecting living by default and instead stepping outside the box and living in a way that just feels right, the more the road ahead seems to open up.

I truly hope that 2023 will be no different, as we lean in even more to living slowly, simplifying, being more intentional with the things we do (or don’t do!), living seasonally, growing our own produce on our allotment plot, as well as naturally and doing the things that feel right for us.

The round up

So let’s take a moment, before the end of 2022, to take a look back at 2022 and how we were able to truly embrace living on our own terms.

Slow + Simple Living

    Simple, Seasonal recipes

    [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id=”3903″ name=”Spiced Apple & Pear cake”][wprm-recipe-roundup-item id=”11068″ name=”Sourdough Discard Pancakes”][wprm-recipe-roundup-item id=”12404″ name=”Grandma’s Stuffing”]

    Seasonal + Allotment living

      Natural Living

      [wprm-recipe-roundup-item id=”11579″ name=”Homemade Toxin Free Cleaner” button=”Check it out”]

      Thank you for all your support in 2022 – I look forward to continuing the adventure with you in 2023. Don’t forget to follow along with us here, on Instagram and on Youtube. Plus, become a VIP and join the email list too!

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      See you in 2023!

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