I am SO glad you’re here!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I share slowing down, simplifying and building a more intentional and mindful life. I am also a keen balcony grower, urban homesteader and organic allotment gardener. I hope to share that you can absolutely embrace homesteading while living in an urban setting, whether you aim to get land one day or not.
I am also a passionate Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) and Holistic Health Coach (YACEP), Meditation and Mindfulness Facilitator (YACEP) and Seasonal Living Guide (accredited).

About us!
My husband, Ray, and have been married for seven years and have lived in our home for over six. Disconnecting ourselves from the rat race we found we were able to think about what truly mattered to us. We have always wanted to have a small amount of land so we can grow our own food. With the desire for a different way of life, balanced with the affordability factor of living just outside of London, we decided to embrace the life we dreamt of but without breaking the bank.
In 2021, in the midst of growing our family we found that due to structural works on our home, through no fault or decision of our own, we found we were trapped in our home and unable to sell. So instead of letting that get us down we jumped into learning all the skills to the life we desire required.
We rented our own allotment so we can grow our own food, we cook from scratch, shop locally, slow down and simplify our home, and our lives. We are using this time to learn and grow, and prepare ourselves for our next step of purchasing a slightly bigger home.
Being here has taught us a lot though; how to have patience, how to work towards living the life we want, how to create and love our small home, as well as learn the skills we want to take forward.

Hi! I’m Amy!
Born and raised in the Home Counties, it has always been the place that has felt like home. When my husband asked me where we’d like to settle once we were married, for me there was no question.
Life here is slightly more expensive, we get less bang for our buck and we could have our dream of land much quicker somewhere else, but I am totally ok with that. This is home.
I am obsessed with the life we have chosen to live; stepping outside of societal norms and living a seasonal, intentional life.
You can mostly find me with a cup of coffee in hand, a Dolly Parton playlist or a Jenna Kutcher Podcast blaring from the Google Home speaker, pottering around in my kitchen. If I am not feeding my sourdough starter, I am creating family meals in my slow cooker, topping up our natural cleaning products or just enjoying the day to day of homemaking.
If I am not in the kitchen you will find me out on our allotment, growing our own food, sourcing food from local farms or reading up more about creating a more natural life.
First and foremost I am a mother, wife, homemaker, and home educator to our two children. I am also a full-time blogger, content creator, Yoga Teacher, Holistic Health Coach and Meditation & Mindfulness Facilitator. You can follow along our daily life over on Instagram.
Some random facts about me
- I have a Bachelors and Master’s degree in history. I am on the board of trustees for a local charity that activity works towards preserving the local history and heritage of our town.
- I danced from aged 18 months until my early 20s, and as a result I still think I can still pull some of my old ballet moves. My body and muscles frequently remind me that I can’t quite.
- My greatest adventures were two summers in my teens where I was selected to represent my county at an intentional camp for guides and scouts. I spent the summers in The Netherlands and Austria, and I while I have travelled fairly extensively beyond these places the growing up I did and the experiences I had will be forever etched into me.
- I used to be an air stewardess for low cost airline (I will let you guess which one), and it was the most fun job I ever had. If I could have only done late shifts I would have stayed, but shifting my body clock each week did me in. And 3am starts were not for me.
- I am an RYT-200 (a qualified yoga teacher), Herbalist and Holistic Health Coach.