Home » Why I decided to try cloth nappies & what I have learned so far!

Why I decided to try cloth nappies & what I have learned so far!

For people who don’t know me that well the decision to delve into the world of cloth nappies probably seems like a random one given that Hadley is 7 months old when this post goes live, but to those that know me, they are probably used to me doing things out of the traditional norm. I started for a couple of reasons; to reduce our environmental impact where possible and because we’re very passionate about what we put onto and into our bodies. Using nappies with zero chemicals was perfect to fit in with our lifestyle.

When did I decide to try cloth?

This question is two-fold really, actually, it might even be threefold. The first time I thought that I might one day like to try cloth nappies was way before I was even pregnant when a friend was expecting her first baby and she bought a huge amount of cloth nappies for her little one on Black Friday. The second instance was when I was pregnant and was considering what the best options would be and the third was when I finally felt like I was ready to give it a shot. 

stack of cloth nappies

How did I get started?

I figured there were two ways in which to get started; carefully consider all my options, do a ton of research and figure out what I wanted to do or, grab a couple of cloth nappies, go all in and figure it out as I go. As you can imagine if you know me at all, I went for the second option. Our local Sainsbury’s stocks the Bambino Mio cloth nappies, so I got one and some biodegradable liner and went home and gave it a whirl. It seemed great, so I washed and dried the nappy and gave it another go the next day and so on. I decided I loved it so I grabbed another and then another. Then Aldi had a baby event which was stocking the Bambino Mio’s at almost half price so I picked up 7 and I was on my way.

Did you need much to get started?

I don’t know the official answer of the things you’re supposed to need, but I grabbed the cloth nappies, biodegradable liner and a wet bag from The Little Vegan Boutique (check them out on Instagram), to store the soiled nappies in when out, and aboutand just went all in. As of yet, that’s all I’ve needed.

Are cloth nappies worth the expense?

I think so. Although it’s an outlay and investment at first, in the long run, it will save you so much money in disposables.

Isn’t it gross to do cloth nappies?

Not at all. In fact, I don’t find it much different than dealing with a disposable nappy if I am honest. The only difference is I bring my nappies home and wash them instead of throwing them away (and contributing to landfill). As for the contents of the nappy, most gets caught by the liner and everything else washes out perfectly on a 60-degree wash cycle.

Are you doing cloth full time?

At the moment no, and for a couple of reasons. The first being I actually really love my disposable brand (which is Rascal & Friends) and I am quite comfortable to stay using them overnight at the moment as they work. I figure one nappy a day rather than 5-7 is at least reducing the impact. Also, we have loads of disposables still as I picked up a huge amount at a baby event when they were half price and I don’t want to waste them. I also have just used disposables for convenience on our holiday (and also because I didn’t have enough to cloth full time for a week without washing facilities).

How easy are they to clean?

I find them super easy. Using the biodegradable liners helps to catch most things, but anything it doesn’t washes out easily at 60 degrees.

What do you recommend for getting started?

A willingness to try, 1 or more cloth nappies, some biodegradable liner and a wet bag.

Any other recommendations?

If you aren’t adverse to second hand, there is a thriving second-hand market in cloth nappies, all in excellent condition. Oh, and I should probably warn you that collecting new prints is addictive.

I hope this helped and if you have any more questions please leave me a comment below so I can answer it. Starting using cloth nappies can seem so daunting but its definitely been the best decision I have made. 

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