
  • Living small by choice

    Living in a small home can have a big impact on your mental health. From reducing stress to promoting mindfulness, discover the many ways that tiny living can help you feel happier, healthier, and more centered.

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the endless possessions cluttering your home? Do you dream of a simpler, more intentional way of living? Tiny home living just might be the answer. Beyond being an eco-friendly and cost-effective option, studies show that downsizing can have a positive impact on your mental health. In this article, we will explore the surprising benefits of tiny home living for your mind and spirit. Find out how simplifying your space can lead to less stress, a deeper connection with nature, and stronger relationships. Join us on this journey to explore how this minimalist lifestyle can help you foster a greater sense of calm and contentment in your life.

    Living Small = Less Clutter, More Calm

    Society teaches us that we ought to always be reaching for the next bigger and better thing, always overstretching ourselves financially to get that bigger house, bigger car, more expensive upgrade on pretty much everything. The idea being that we need to always push ourselves that little bit further.

    One of the biggest advantages of small home living is the ability to simplify your life. With less space, there is a natural tendency to have fewer possessions, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. This simplification can lead to a sense of calm and clarity, reducing stress and anxiety.

    In a world where we are constantly bombarded with stimulation and distractions, a minimalist lifestyle can provide a respite from the noise. With fewer things to take care of and worry about, you are free to spend your time and energy on the things that bring you joy and fulfillment.

    Not only does simplifying your possessions lead to a more peaceful living environment, it also encourages a deeper connection with nature. By having less, you are more likely to prioritize experiences over material possessions, prompting you to spend more time outdoors and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

    Simplifying your life also has a positive impact on your relationships. With less time spent on managing possessions, you have more time and energy to invest in your loved ones. By creating space for meaningful connections, you can strengthen your relationships and foster a deeper sense of community.

    In short, less clutter can lead to more calm in your life. By embracing a minimalist lifestyle and downsizing to a tiny home, you can simplify your space, reduce stress, deepen connections, and find a greater sense of contentment in your life.

    Simplifying Your Life

    Simplifying your life also has a positive impact on your relationships. With less time spent on managing possessions, you have more time and energy to invest in your loved ones. By creating space for meaningful connections, you can strengthen your relationships and foster a deeper sense of community. This shift towards a more minimalist lifestyle can be beneficial not only for the individual, but also for the environment. By reducing consumption and waste, you’re also making a positive impact on the planet.

    Connecting with nature is another way to simplify your life and boost mental wellbeing. Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve overall mood. In a tiny home, you have the opportunity to bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural elements into your living space, such as indoor plants and natural light sources. This connection to nature can help create a sense of peace and tranquility, enhancing the benefits of tiny home living on your mental health.

    Connecting with Nature

    Simplifying your life also has a positive impact on your relationships by creating space for meaningful connections, and it can be beneficial for the environment by reducing consumption and waste. However, connecting with nature is another way to simplify your life and boost mental wellbeing. Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve overall mood. In a tiny home, you have the opportunity to bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural elements into your living space, such as indoor plants and natural light sources. This connection to nature can help create a sense of peace and tranquility, enhancing the benefits of tiny home living on your mental health.

    Promoting Mindfulness

    Promoting mindfulness is another way to prioritize your mental health in a tiny home. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment, without distractions or judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without trying to change or manipulate them. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall well-being.

    In a tiny home, it’s easier to stay mindful because there are fewer distractions and less clutter to worry about. You can create a designated space for meditation or yoga, or simply take a moment to breathe deeply and appreciate your surroundings. Mindfulness can also help you appreciate the small joys of tiny home living, such as the cozy feeling of snuggling up on a chilly night or the satisfaction of cooking a meal in a compact kitchen.

    By promoting mindfulness in your tiny home, you can cultivate a greater sense of peace and happiness within yourself, which can in turn strengthen your relationships with others. Fostering stronger relationships is another benefit of tiny home living that can have a positive impact on your mental health.

    Fostering Stronger Relationships

    Living in a tiny home encourages mindful living, which can translate to better relationships. When we are more present and content within ourselves, we are able to connect more authentically with others. And in a tiny home, we are forced to be intentional with the space we have and how we use it, which can lead to more quality time with loved ones.

    In a larger home, it’s easy to become isolated in different rooms or distracted by technology and other forms of entertainment. But in a tiny home, there’s less separation and more opportunity for shared experiences. Cooking meals together in a compact kitchen, snuggling up on a couch that doubles as a bed, or simply enjoying the outdoors together can all foster stronger relationships and create lasting memories.

    Not only can stronger connections with loved ones improve our mental health, but they can also help us feel supported and less stressed in our daily lives. And speaking of stress, one of the most significant benefits of tiny home living is its potential to save money and reduce financial strain.

    Saving Money and Reducing Stress

    Apart from fostering stronger relationships and creating lasting memories, tiny home living can also help save money and reduce financial strain, which can significantly reduce stress levels. With fewer possessions and less square footage to maintain, tiny homeowners can cut down on expenses such as utilities, insurance, and maintenance costs. In addition, many tiny homes are built on wheels or on foundations that don’t require expensive permits or zoning regulations.

    Moreover, living in a tiny home often means adopting a simpler lifestyle that prioritizes experiences over possessions. This shift in perspective can lead to less spending on material items and more focus on activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment.

    Reducing financial stress through tiny home living not only has immediate effects but also has long-term benefits such as freeing up money for retirement savings or paying off debt. The financial freedom provided by tiny home living can also open up opportunities for travel or pursuing passions that might have otherwise seemed financially unattainable.

    Overall, the financial benefits of tiny home living can have a positive impact on our mental health by reducing stress and allowing us the freedom to live a meaningful and fulfilling life on our own terms.

    In conclusion, smaller living spaces offer a wealth of benefits for your mental health. By reducing clutter, simplifying your life, cultivating mindfulness, connecting with nature, and fostering stronger relationships, tiny home living can greatly improve your overall well-being. And with the added bonus of saving money and reducing stress, it’s no wonder that more and more people are embracing this minimalist lifestyle. So if you’re ready to make the shift, start by decluttering and exploring creative ways to make your space feel cosy and inviting.

  • Slow down, you’re doing fine…

    The busyness of the Christmas season is well and truly upon us and chaos is everywhere. It’s not easy to step back, slow down, and not get caught up in it all. Whether you are able to achieve the slow and simple Christmas season you desire, or whether it’s fast-paced and busy for you, coming into the new year I have lots of exciting new things I want to share with you, and the first of those is my slow & intentional living series.

    wigwam placed on wooden terrace with picturesque view
    Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on

    Slow & Intentional Living

    I ran my highly successful slow and intentional living series last year and I got so much feedback from people that they found that it was the perfect way to step into the new year. Embracing a new way of living fits perfectly into setting new intentions for the year ahead. Coming out of the last couple of years of a pandemic, coupled with a cost of living crisis and what seems like doom and gloom all around, I would love to come together with you and set our intentions on this path together.

    After the success of last year, I have decided it would be the perfect time to bring it back again. Maybe a little differently and 100% bigger and better than before (no pressure, Amy!). So whether you’re an old hand at slow and simple living, or whether 2023 is the year you’re going to promise to give yourself more grace to slow down and live a little more intentionally, I hope that this weekly email series can help you start to delve into the spaces within yourself, to find the path of slowness and intentionality, so you can start living the life you want to live and move away that a life that is set up for us.

    We’re going to embrace all the wonderfulness of the new year, learn into the promise that is embedded in that newness, and learn about the things we can do for ourselves, in our lives, and in our homes to set these new intentions. It’s nothing to do with new years resolutions, but is instead learning to embrace a different way of living. There is nothing more powerful than slowing down in a world that want’s to keep you busy.

    Join us in January

    If you want to join this free email series, I would love to have you! All you need to do is register your interest below and I will do the rest.

    Slow & Intentional Living
    โ˜ž ย SIGN UP TO join my free email series ย โ˜œ
    Thank you for subscribing!

    I can’t wait to see you there and share all the wonderful tips and tricks I have learned along the way to help you lean into, and craft a life that you love to live.

    See you there, Friend!

  • Living intentionally + join my FREE inspired living series

    It’s been a year, actually, it’s been two. Living through a pandemic is anything but easy but something these last two years have enabled me to do is live life a little more intentionally. Spending more time at home than ever before has made me think more about our home, the way it is organised, how the spaces we have ebb and flow, and more importantly it has taught me how to live with less.

    armchair near table and ottoman
    Photo by Emre Can Acer on

    There are so many things in the way we chose to live overall that I have been thinking about recently and I have been unpicking how it is all connected. Slow living, living with less, living small, and intentional and inspired living is my jam. We don’t live in the biggest, most expensive home but it is my dream. It’s a space I have loved to create, being inspired by living with less.

    What inspired living is all about?

    Living a slow, more intentional way of living is a wonderful adventure. It is a constant work in progress and consequently is something that people always want to know more about, especially over on Instagram. About the connection between being intentional about the way we live, living with less, decluttering, creating intentional spaces around our home, our commitment to living a more simple life, the way we approach our finances, consumerism, our commitment to being as eco-conscious as possible, our wellbeing and even down to our digital connections. It is all connected and it runs so deep. It is a wonderful journey as you slowly unpick it all and unlock how to live a more intentional, inspired life.

    I am about to embark on a fresh start (when it comes to our home) on the other side of Christmas and I would love for you to join me. I have created a fun and inspiring email series where I’ll be sharing my thoughts about why we started living intentionally and why it works along with my best tips for decluttering, organising, and what I have found works over the past few years. Plus there will be lots of freebies to help you simplify your home, your life and live that slow, intentional life you’ve always dreamed of.

    photo of green leaf potted plants on window and stand
    Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

    Join us on this journey

    You still have time to join us on the journey we’re going to take together early next year. Just pop your details in the box below and we’ll be starting in the new year.

    You will hear from me once a week, on Sunday morning, with a little email covering some of my favourite topics and tips when it comes to living more intentionally.

    Inspired Living in 2022
    Join me as we embark on a fresh start to 2022.
    I’ll be sharing what made us choose to live a slower, more intentional life, why it works, things that I have found work best for us along with my best tips for decluttering, organising and lots of freebies to help you simplify your home, your life and beyond.
    Thank you for subscribing!

    I can’t wait to see you there and to take this journey together.