New Baby

  • Broccoli & Cheese Pinwheels for baby led weaning

    We’re a couple of months into our weaning journey now and we’ve been trying an abundance of recipes that I am going to try and get published asap. Sometimes it definitely feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. but today I want to share my broccoli and cheese pinwheels recipe with you.

    Being the independent baby led weaner that our little girl is I like to try new foods, textures and flavours all the time, I like to introduce new finger foods for her to explore and I love to try new recipes myself that I can give her. We love trying different things for lunches and you can check out another one of her favourite lunchtime foods in my previous blog post.


    Making the pinwheels:

    One of my IG friends had recommended trying pinwheels, and although I had heard of them I didn’t quite know what I would put in them, so I came up with a recipe (probably one that’s been done before – but as with most things parenting-related you will find I wing it as I go).

    I decided to try a Broccoli and cheese mixture so I could do them for Hadley’s lunch. At this point in our weaning journey, I would say she is more interested in veggies than fruits, although I am trying to get her to take more of interest where I can. This pinwheels recipe is super simple and really tasty, my husband and I might have tried a couple for ourselves too – just to be sure they tasted ok for Hadley, of course.

    Broccoli & Cheese Pinwheels

    Broccoli & Cheese Pinwheels

    Prep Time: 10 minutes
    Cook Time: 30 minutes
    Total Time: 40 minutes


    • All butter pre-rolled puff pastry
    • A head of Broccoli
    • Milk
    • 100g cheese


    1. Cut the broccoli into florets and steam for 20 minutes until soft.
    2. Add to blender with a small about of milk and blend until a creamy paste that isn't runny.
    3. Lay out the pre-rolled pastry.
    4. Spread the broccoli paste on the pastry.
    5. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top.
    6. Roll pastry back up into its roll.
    7. Cut into slices.
    8. Place on a baking tray and cook for 20-30 minutes.

    There are so many different options and flavours to try when it comes to pinwheels and baby-led weaning – you can follow so many different recipes, this recipe, recipes on Pinterest or do what I did and create your own and see how it goes.


    As you can see Hadley got stuck in straight away and she demolished quite a bit. Although she doesn’t have any teeth yet she is surprisingly good at gumming! Also, isn’t her plate amazing? I absolutely love the Bamboo Bamboo range and you can pick up her plate on Amazon*.

    Have you tried pinwheels before? What is your favourite way to make them? Leave me a comment below!

  • What I give my 6 month old for lunch with Baby-led weaning

    The beginning of our weaning journey

    Baby lunch plate

    When we started our weaning journey I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do, where I wanted to start or even how to navigate all the options. In short, I was a first-time mum, questioning the minefield of advice and just deciding to forge my own way, with my eye on safety advice.

    I started with what you would call traditional weaning, mashes and puree mostly and trying to spoon-feed them into Hadley’s mouth. I say trying because Hadley really wasn’t up for being spoon-fed in any way, shape or form. Hadley showed us from the word go that she was the independent woman we are raising her to be and with that, she wanted to do this weaning thing all by herself. So it was goodbye to puree food and spoons and onto a brand new world of baby-led weaning. 

    Now for clarity’s sake, I think because I started with first tastes and spoon-feeding that I am not a Baby-led weaning purist, however as with anything parenting related (and life related if I come to think of it) I march to the beat of my own drum and don’t really try and fit myself into any little boxes. So with that said, on we go!

    Moving onto a baby-led way of life

    With Hadley wanting to do everything herself along came the world of having to create her little meals to go alongside ours, and while we often give her either the same as us or certainly a version of ours, sometimes I do her separate meals entirely.

    Today I wanted to come on and share one of Hadley’s favourite (can I say favourite if she’s only been eating for a couple of weeks?) lunches and I found it the least stressful when starting a more baby-led approach. I am going to share the recipe card below so you can save it and refer to it if you want to at a later date. As I said, this isn’t a complicated recipe at all, just one to get you started if you are looking for ideas, whether you are doing traditional weaning or baby-led weaning.

    Also, how cute is her Bamboo Bamboo Bunny plate from Amazon, I’m still wondering if I can get away with eating out of a bowl this adorable at 34 years old. Answers on a postcard…

    I am just getting started on our baby-led journey and this is just one of the recipes I have found that Hadley (and me!) have gotten on really well with. I have the same as her and just add a little bacon, but it’s totally up to you.

    Lunch plate

    If you want to follow along our weaning journey don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and for more recipe ideas you can follow our weaning board on Pinterest too.