
  • Unleashing the Deliciousness: The Power of Homemade Healthy Gummies for All Ages

    A blog post about the benefits of homemade gummies. Whether you want to make them for your nutritional daily vitamins, or just as a healthy snack for your and/or the kids, then read on. This simple recipe will help you create tasty gummies that you’ll want to make again and again.

    Gummies, those delightful, chewy treats loved by kids and adults alike, have long been a popular choice. However, the store-bought varieties often come with a laundry list of artificial ingredients, excessive sugars, and little nutritional value. But fear not! The solution lies in creating your own homemade healthy gummies. Join us as we explore the benefits of crafting these delectable treats in your very own kitchen and discover why they surpass their store-bought counterparts in every way.

    Nutritional Control

    One of the most significant advantages of making your own gummies is having complete control over the ingredients. By using high-quality, wholesome components such as fruit juices, natural sweeteners (like honey or maple syrup), and nutrient-rich gelatin or plant-based alternatives, you can create a snack that nourishes and energizes. Say goodbye to artificial colors, flavours, and preservatives that often dominate store-bought gummies and are no good for our health.

    Customisation and Flavour Variety

    Homemade gummies offer endless possibilities when it comes to flavours and combinations. From classic fruity delights like strawberry, orange, or raspberry to more exotic blends like mango-lime or blueberry-pomegranate, you have the freedom to tailor the taste to your liking. Our favourite at the moment (and particularly through the winter months of cold and flu season) are elderberry and honey, to help our immunity naturally. You can also experiment with adding extra nutritional boosts such as vitamin C, probiotics, or even sneaking in some vegetable purees for added nutrients.

    Portion and Sugar Control

    Commercial gummies are notorious for their high sugar content, which can contribute to health concerns, as well as being filled with ingredients that maybe aren’t the best for us, making them somewhat counterproductive. By making your own gummies, you have the power to control the amount of sugar added as well as the ingredients you use, allowing for healthier alternatives. Plus, with the ability to customise portion sizes, you can promote mindful snacking habits and avoid excessive consumption.

    Sneaking in Nutrients

    Homemade gummies present an excellent opportunity to sneak in additional nutrients that benefit both kids and adults. You can incorporate ingredients like freshly squeezed fruit juices, pureed vegetables, or even superfood powders to elevate the gummies nutritional profile.

    Fun and Educational Activity

    Engaging in the process of making homemade gummies can be a wonderful bonding experience for families. Involving kids in measuring ingredients, mixing flavors, and pouring the mixture into molds can cultivate a sense of curiosity and excitement about healthy eating. As they witness the transformation from liquid to chewy treats, they become more aware of what goes into their food and develop a deeper appreciation for wholesome choices.

    Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly

    Crafting your own gummies can be a cost-effective alternative to store-bought options. Purchasing bulk ingredients and reusable silicone molds can save money in the long run, while reducing packaging waste associated with single-use commercial packages. Embracing homemade gummies not only benefits your wallet but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.

    How to make your own healthy gummies

    Indulge in a guilt-free treat with our delightful and nutritious homemade gummies recipe. Get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth while nourishing your body with this easy and fun recipe.

    Healthy Homemade Gummies

    Healthy Homemade Gummies

    Prep Time: 1 minute
    Cook Time: 5 minutes
    Additional Time: 6 hours
    Total Time: 6 hours 6 minutes


    • 200ml of fresh juiceโฃ
    • 2 tbsp of manuka honeyโฃ
    • 2 tbsp of gelatinโฃ


    1. Simply heat your favorite juice (avoid boiling) in a saucepan
    2. Add your honey and stir until perfectly combined.
    3. Remove the pan from heat, sprinkle in the gelatin, and stir until dissolved.
    4. Then, pour the liquid into moulds.
    5. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours, and voila! You have your very own stash of deliciously nutritious gummies. ⁣⁣


    Gummies are fresh and will store, in the fridge for around a week - 10 days.

    By choosing homemade healthy gummies over their store-bought counterparts, you unlock a world of benefits. From nutritional control and flavor variety to portion management and sneaking in extra nutrients, creating your own gummies puts you in the driver’s seat of your snacking choices. So, embark on this delicious journey, gather your loved ones, and unleash your creativity in the kitchen. Indulge in the wholesome delight of homemade gummies that nourish your body and soul, and redefine the way you snack for both kids and adults.

  • Why you should add a daily butter coffee to your routine


    I am not a massive coffee drinker but I always like a yummy coffee mid-morning! I get a lot of questions about the coffee I drink in particular and why it is so good, but did you know coffee in general has a ton of health benefits too? I urge you to do your own research of course (I suggest an article by healthline about coffee being good or bad), the internet is wide and you can find out some of the benefits you will find from coffee.

    Some of the benefits of Coffee in general:

    1. High in antioxidants.
    2. Can be linked to a reduction in diseases.
    3. Contains essential nutrients.
    4. May protect your brain health.

    What about caffeine?

    Caffeine can have some effects on certain people but my first reaction, after learning how decaffeinated coffee is made (think lots of chemicals and waaaaaay less benefits), is that the individual will know firstly whether they can tolerate, or secondly whether they have a medical issue in which case they should always consult a medical clinician.




    Why I love my coffee!

    My Coffee has Green Coffee Beans, which are rich in antioxidants which we all know are good for our body. Antioxidants can help to reduce the effects of free radicals (free radicals often play a major role in disease formation) which are damaged cells. Green Coffee Beans also contain chlorogenic acid, which can help reduce food cravings and boost your metabolism. Yes your cup of coffee could help you lose weight!

    An ingredient people often canโ€™t get their head round is the Grass fed butter, but did you know that butter from grass fed cows is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids and is considered one of the healthiest fats on the planet? Yes, you might not have been sold the truth on butter all these years. If you donโ€™t have grass fed butter in your diet then you definitely might want to do some research as to why this fat might have a place in your diet. As always, if you have a medical condition or food allergy please consult a clinician. As well as essential Fatty Acids you will also find soluable vitamins too. “But what about heart disease” I hear you say – well guess what? A number of high profile studies have shown that there are no links between these fats and heart disease.

    MCT Oil means Medium Chain Triglycerides and is a fatty acids that comes with a whole host of health benefits, including improved cognitive function, supports gut health, is anti-inflammatory, helps you to maintain a healthy weight, balances your hormone levels and absorbs fat soluble nutrients.



    Donโ€™t just listen to me, do your own research, there is so much out there if you are willing to look! Fat free, Sugar Free, Low Fat, Low Sugarโ€ฆ.all things weโ€™re told is the healthy way to go, but when you really look into the ingredients in these items you will find it packed with artificial chemicals, sweeteners and nasty fillers. You should be careful with your sugar intake but I urge you to look at what artificial sweeteners can do to your health, but as for healthy fats, you donโ€™t need to fear them.

    Donโ€™t take my word for it though, do your own research, make yourself aware and if you want some tips on where to look I will be happy to provide them. Bet you will look at a cup of coffee differently in future!

    Want to try a sachet or more of butter coffee? Register your interest!

    As always, this is my own personal opinion based on the research I have undertaken myself. Always speak to your own Doctor or Clinician if you have any worries, concerns or you need advice. Everything on this page is personal opinion from my own research only and is not to be used in place of medical advice.
  • Why you should add grass fed butter into your diet today!

    Why grass fed butter is one of the healthiest fats on the planet you need to add it to your diet today

    For years the health industry has sold us the common misconception that fat is bad and low fat and low sugar items are the way to go. For our family we have not personally believed that this is the case, realising more often than not that low fat and low sugar (or sugar free or fat free) often means that the food has been heavily processed or contains a number of alarming chemicals.ย We have been sold the common misconception, as mentioned above, that low fat and low sugar is what a body needs to stay healthy and also to lose weight, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is now a number of high profile studies which are showing that there is no link between fat and heart disease (which we have previously been told was the case), so what does this mean for our diets?ย Today we’re taking it back to butter, delving into why grass fed butter is back on the menu and why you should consider adding it to your daily diet.

    The truth about low fat

    For many years we have been told that for optimum heart health you need to opt for the low fat options, but these foods are now not as good as we originally thought. However, that isn’t to say that now fat is back on the menu we can eat what we like, the real truth of the matter is being able to differentiate between good fats and bad fats and incorporating those good fats back into our diets. We know that we need some fat in our diet, in fact it is essential for our bodies. Fats found in foods such as nuts, seeds, oily fish and avocado, to name but a few, include essential fatty acids (including omega-3) which are essential for maintaining healthy blood vessels, heart health, hormone control, brain health the normal functioning of our nervous system. Fat can also help us absorb vitamins including A, D, E and K.

    So why grass fed butter?

    Butter is one of the healthiest fats there is and includes important nutrients that nourish our bodies. Until recently butter was being considered unhealthy due to accelerated fat content, however this myth has been thoroughly debunked in a number of high profile studies in recent years, suggesting that there is no link between saturated fat and heart disease. In fact, butter could even goes as far as to actually lower your risk of heart disease. When it comes to dairy there are two options grass fed and grain fed, which I think speak for themselves.

    So why would you pick grass fed over grain fed?

    Because it’s a completely different kind of butter. Feeding cattle grains is the equivalent of feeding them junk food and essentially pumps them full the wrong kind of fatty acids, including obesity causing hormones. If you feed junk food you will get junk byproducts.ย Grain fed animals also contain dangerous mycotoxins (which disgustingly are formed by mould in the cattle food and meat processing) which could be detrimental to our health. Butter from grass fed cows is much higher in the omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamins, nutrients and other healthy fats. It is also natural for these animals to eat grass and not grains and therefore provides a number of health benefits. Grass fed butter is packed full of nutrition while grain fed butter also contains hormones, antibiotics and a number of other awful chemicals.
    There have been a number of studies to backup this theory and in countries where cows are largely grass fed the people who have been eating the butter have a reduced risk of heart disease. In fact in one study the more full fat dairy, such as butter, that people ate, lower the risk of heart attack. This proves author is not the antichrist.ย However there isn’t just one study there is a number of studies, several across Europe in fact, where cows have been grass fed and the results of the studies show that dairy fat is linked to a reduced amount of heart attacks and strokes.
    grass fed butter

    Where should I start?

    By all means use this blog post as a starting point. As always anything you have read on this blog is opinion only and should not be used instead of medical opinion. There are a huge number of articles, studies and information this subject, so use what you have read here as a leaping off point and do your own research on why grass fed butter, and grass fed dairy products in general, could be beneficial for your health.
    If you are looking for a grass fed butter – try Kerrygold!