
  • Minimal & Bright FREE Lightroom preset

    When it comes to photography I have to say that I am addicted. I love to create and style the perfect shot, and then I really enjoy creating and editing the photos after. I wouldn’t say I am particularly good or knowledgeable when it comes to photography, I am self taught and I do what I love, but I kind of love that about what I do.

    Something I particularly love is the editing process. I love to take a good photo, that I am pleased with, and make it great. I use Adobe Lightroom Presets for my photography and ever since I discovered the app a couple of years ago I have found it has been a lifesaver for my content.

    woman using her laptop
    Photo by cottonbro on

    Why do I use Lightroom?

    If you’ve been a follower of mine for a while then you will probably know that I sell my own Lightroom Presets, presets that I have created myself which help to give your photos a similar looking aesthetic, something that is fairly commonplace amongst content creators on apps such as Instagram. I delve into much more detail about why I love Lightroom presets and how I edit my photos in a previous blog post. 

    I wanted to give you guys something today – I know so many of you don’t quite know what Lightroom is or just how you go about using it, what a preset is and so much more. 

    Lead with authenticity

    I am always keen to express that I build my platform on a basis of honesty and authenticity. I believe this is really the only way to see sustained growth and build a community on Instagram. For that reason I never physically edit people in any way, and a preset is much like a filter only it will do things like bring up the brightness, or colours. I really do find so much joy in creating the “perfect” photo (although nothing is ever perfect), and aesthetically pleasing content really is everything to me.

    Grab your FREE lightroom preset

    Today I wanted to gift you all a free lightroom preset to try – this is a bright and minimal preset – dulling down some of the brighter colours, bringing forward the bright and the whites. I really love how it turned out and I hope you love it too. 

    To download it just pop your email below and it’ll take you straight to the downloadable file and also a PDF telling you how to use it too. 


    Download your free lightroom preset

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    Enjoy this free preset and be sure to check out my Lightroom Preset packs that I have for sale – I love them all but my favourite is definitely the Signature preset pack. I have used this pack for over a year and I love it.

  • 10 topics for totally remarkable reels

    Instagram reels are blowing up! You’ve seen the brand new reels function appear, you’ve seen people creating reels left, right and centre but you’re not sure it’s for you. You know that Instagram loves when you engage in their features and you’ve heard being an early adopter to their features the platform will reward you, but where do you even begin right?

    Guess what?! You don’t have to know everything about Instagram, or reels or even show up perfect. Showing up imperfectly, diving in and just enjoying yourself is always perfect – there is so much to gain from just showing up rather than waiting until you’re ready (and that’s true for most things in life!). Instagram rewards it’s early adopters to a feature and I don’t want you to miss out. So let’s walk through what reels are and let me share with you 10 ideas for creating totally remarkable reels.

    Why reels?

    Instead of extensive training, I wanted to get this into your hands immediately so you can jump straight in. I created this freebie that you can download, keep on your phone, on your iPad or print it off and refer to it frequently. I’ll also be doing a week-long remarkable reels training in my FREE insiders group – so if you want to grab a spot, be sure to join us!

    Don’t worry – I’ve made this free!

    In this freebie you will have 10 go to topics to help you create reels for your audience that you can apply to whatever niche you find yourself on Instagram. I truly believe there is space for everyone to be creating reels and you will find your audience, your true, authentic audience, the more you share, grow, create and inspire. 

    Something I personally love about Reels is that you have the chance to reach a higher audience with such a great ease. You can select to put your reel onto the explore page if you have a public account (which I 100% recommend – on both parts) which gives you the chance to have your reel seen outside of your specific audience, which might result in more of your ideal audience seeing you and deciding to follow you. It is an incredible way to get yourself and your account noticed on the platform.

    Grab your reels freebie today:

    Want some help with what to create? Need some tips to refer to? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with my 10 topics for totally remarkable reels printable – it’ll help you delve into what would really work for your audience and how you can adapt the topics to really suit your niche. If you are looking for inspiration for your IGTV video as well, I have a blog post on that topic too which you might want to check out.

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    I want to reiterate this: it is more important to show up imperfectly rather than wait until you are perfectly ready. These tips and ideas will help you start today in creating fun, reels content that you enjoy. It can be scary putting yourself out there but it can also be so rewarding – you’ve got this! Download the 10 tips to totally remarkable reels freebie today and get creating.

  • 5 steps to level up your Instagram + grab my free Instagram cheat sheet

    Probably the most common question I get when it comes to Instagram is how to grow on the platform. I am going to let you into a little secret, the sooner you stop focusing on vanity metrics such as followers, likes and comments the happier and more successful you will ultimately be.

    Read that again.

    You need to stop focusing on the number and get on with being yourself, shining your light, sharing your voice and showing up with integrity.

    I decided a long time ago that I wanted to share with you everything I have learnt about my time on Instagram, but I didn’t just want to share how to grow in number, because I truly believe that that is not the thing to focus on on that platform. So without further ado…

    It’s finally here, my Instagram mini course that I have been planning for the longest time is now out in the world and I cannot wait for you guys to delve in and take away some tangible tips to help you thrive on your own Instagram accounts. Best of all, it’s currently free – I don’t know if it will always be that way though, so make sure you get yourself in and on the list while it is, because you will have lifetime access and never have to re-register or pay + you will also get all updates too!

    It still feels so surreal that my first course is finally out in the world, from those first thoughts about doing this while I was on maternity leave, it is always so great to see something come to fruition. It’s been a long couple of months for us all hasn’t it? Lockdown hasn’t been easy and there are many times that I didn’t feel inspired enough to make it happen, not to mention so much happening in our lives over the past 8 weeks that it’s been hard to focus on anything but life.

    Showing up real & with integrity

    But here we are and I am so excited to finally share it with you guys, I hope you enjoy it and absorb it and I can’t wait to see you put some of the tips to work too. With everything I do, whether it be on Instagram, on this blog or throughout any of my online endeavours I always lead and show up with integrity, and that is what this course is founded on, showing up as the truest version of yourself. In the course you’ll learn the Instagram basics, take you back to the beginning (or start you off on the right foot if you are just starting out), help you create beautiful photo content and captions that share who you are. 

    If you want to get yourself enrolled in this free mini course head over now, I can’t wait to see you there.

    As well as creating this course, I also created my own little cheat sheet for you to download and refer to. You can either use it alongside the course or on its own and helps you with a few simple things, such as what you can use for editing, planning and link sharing when it comes to Instagram.

    instagram cheat sheet
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    I am so excited to share with you how to create an Instagram account built on integrity and focused on being who you truly are. There is so much power in showing up as the truest version of yourself and connecting with other like-minded individuals, and I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me.

  • How I grew my Pinterest to 100k in 30 days + grab my free Pinterest Guide

    Pinterest has kind of always been there hasn’t it? The platform that we run to when we are looking for a new recipe, a DIY idea or when we are looking at some creative ideas to do with the kids. But, did you know it is also one of the most incredible marketing tools out there and you literally cannot afford to be on the platform if you have a business, brand or side hustle?

    Today I want to share with you my free Pinterest guide & tangible tips on how I grew it to 100k in just 30 days with a few simple steps. Keep reading for all the good stuff.

    Isn’t it just another Social Media Platform?

    You’d definitely be forgiven for thinking that it is just another social media platform because Pinterest has long been lumped in the same category with the likes of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, but while these platforms are often focused on vanity metrics such as likes and follows (which mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things)Pinterest is more a search engine.

    Think about it for a second, are there any other social media platforms you can search so intently for what you are looking for, such as a recipe, a craft tutorial or tips on how to write the perfect blog post? The answer is of course no, there is no easy way to look for these things on the likes of Facebook and Instagram with any particular ease, if even at all.

    Going forward with the notion of Pinterest being a search engine will help you so much in being able to show up and serve your audience. They aren’t just interested in what you had for dinner but are interested in every step in how they can make it too. When you look at it this way it will be easier for you to show up and share the correct content on Pinterest to serve your audience and beyond.

    Grab my Quick Pinterest Guide for FREE

    If you are looking for a way to grow your Pinterest and understand how it all works then grab my free Pinterest guide below.

    Grab your Quick Pinterest Guide
    & get my exact roadmap in how I grew my Pinterest to 100k (and beyond)
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    How did I grow my audience to 100k in just 30 days? 

    I know this is most likely the reason you clicked on this content, because it sounds pretty alluring doesn’t it? Growing your Pinterest to 100k in just 30 days just seems like a feat that you wouldn’t even know where to start with.

    First things first, grab my Quick Pinterest Guide for free above because it has all the tangible tips you need to know and apply to understand what you need to be doing on the platform to grow. Pinterest has an ever changing algorithm that has recently undergone some big changes so don’t miss out on getting in on the ground floor. You have a very real chance to grow and fast right now so I really recommend jumping in and just taking the leap and learning as you go.

    My 3 step plan to conquering Pinterest:

    1. Create fresh, new pins for all current and new content. This can include multiple pins linking to the same content on your website.
    2. Repin your appropriate content.
    3. Pin content that is connected to you/your brand.

    This simple three-step plan along with all the knowledge I have shared with you in my free Quick Pinterest Guide is the exact strategy I used to grow my Pinterest to 100k in just 30 days.