Personal Brand

  • Why I joined (and left) It Works

    Today I am going to delve into my own experiences within a multi level marketing company, It Works, and look back, in hindsight, and explore what may have been some of the more problematic parts of the industry, and some of the red flags that I can see now but couldn’t really see at the time. I also want to delve into a common question: what led me to leave and how I stumbled on the anti MLM community.

    Check out my Youtube videos about my time in a multi level marketing company

    If you would prefer, I have two video’s on this very subject over on my Youtube channel, where I am slowly opening up and building a small anti MLM playlist there. I would love you to subscribe if this kind of content interests you. You can also check out my most recent podcast about multi level marketing or check out the shownotes.

    It Works Global

    Before we carry on be sure to check out my disclaimer* at the bottom of this post. I was part of It Works Global for over four years and I feel like I have a good indication of what the company, team and culture was like while I was there. I reached the rank of Ruby which as per the income disclosure statement when I joined was an income of around $500 per month, but in the more recent income disclosure shows that this has dropped to an average of around $350 per month. 

    My experience with It Works started when I came across someone on Instagram who was talking about her side business and all the things it was doing for her family or that it would be doing for her family in the future. I don’t know whether she followed me or I followed her, but knowing what I know now and how they train you to follow people and grow your network (so you can either sell to or recruit these people) I am going to go ahead and presume she followed me, but really I don’t have any clue. I was definitely at a more vulnerable time in my life where I could really have done with an extra income and was probably extremely susceptible to an MLM’s messaging. I was working full time in a job I didn’t love, I was studying for my Master’s degree and therefore my tuition, books and materials cost a fair amount and was a drain on the money I did have. I was also in a long distance relationship with my now-husband and so commuting to see each other every weekend was also costly. I was definitely attracted to the idea that I could earn an extra income around the other commitments in my life. 

    I reached out to her in late 2014 and she replied asking me to email her. I did, but as it happened the email bounced and I did nothing more about it for a while. It would have been great if that is where the story ended but it didn’t, and in February 2015 I replied to something she had shared again and this time I followed it through and ended up enrolling as a distributor. I truly thought she looked like she was having so much fun and I wanted in on that. Of course I now know that is what these MLM’s do, they sell a dream and a lifestyle to hook you in and for more than 99% of people this life will never happen, at least not through the MLM itself. This is how they lure people in to the business opportunity.

    When I was in the recruitment phase, that period of time where I was curious about the business, speaking to the person who would eventually become my enroller but I hadn’t yet joined the business, I tried to weigh up the pro’s and cons. I did a google search “reasons not to join It Works” and actually, at the time, nothing really came up. I have done the same search today and there is a lot more information about the company, along with the experiences of others too. I spoke to my now-husband about it and he trusted my judgement and I also spoke to my mum about it too. When I was discussing it with my mum something came up which I think is extremely problematic within MLM’s. I said to her that It Works was a faith based company, built on Christian values and because of that I felt confident, because surely a company with those values wouldn’t screw me over. I now know these companies use faith manipulation and it uses religion, God or whoever and whatever you believe in, to manipulate people into trusting the company to get people to join and to stay. It made me feel more confident in the company itself because of their values. 

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    Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

    I’ve joined!

    When I joined It Works it cost about £80, converted from dollars. For the most part while I was there it cost £99 and it is now between £130-£150ish. I put my joining fee on a credit card and although the company alludes to be helping people become debt free, there is to some extent (in my experience) and undercurrent amongst some reps to encourage people to join via debt, either a credit card, borrowing money or (at one point at least) getting people to use PayPal credit. 

    Once I signed up I was quickly added to a Facebook team page of all our immediate team (uplines, downlines, sidelines etc) where there was a massive outpouring of excitement when I was introduced on the team page. This was always the case when someone was welcomed onto the team page, and I now this is akin to the cult tactic of lovebombing, where participants shower new recruits in love. People would be leaving comments such as “You’re going to do amazing”, “can’t wait to see you run to the top”, “so excited for you” and “can’t wait to see your success” etc. These are people who have known you for about three seconds, they know absolutely nothing about you at this point. They don’t realise they are lovebombing you, they are completely unaware and are just following the way it has always been done. It was done when they started, they do it to you, then you do it to new recruits, and so the cycle continues. It encourages people to sink further into the group ideology. 

    This welcome made me feel amazing (which is its intention) and made me think “wow, maybe I have found the thing I have been looking for”, which looking back is the entire goal. 

    How I worked (and yes, some of it is problematic)

    There is a lot of “fake it until you make it” philosophy within this structure. I would predominantly use Instagram as my platform of choice when it came to my business, so it was a lot of sharing the products, being a product of the product, sharing the lifestyle of being a rep, adding people to grow my network and sometimes unfollowing people who didn’t follow me back. I was actively an It Works rep above everything else. 

    It was a lot of staying “plugged in” to the team pages, showing up to zooms, trainings, etc. There is a lot of gaslighting in multi level marketing, telling people that their level of commitment to these things is what will see them success (it won’t) but phrases like you “show up to go up” and calling out the people who don’t show up. It was always hard for me to show up, as most things were EST or CST ( 5-6 hours behind the time here in the UK) and almost always when I was asleep. I don’t know that anyone ever expected me to stay up but I rarely did because despite what MLM’s will tell you (that you should be working over sleeping) I always prioritise my health, wellness and sleep over absolutely everything. 

    It was very hard for me to stay plugged into a lot of what was going on and actually, in hindsight, I actually think that a lot of this really helped me because I was more of an outsider. I always felt as though some of the things that were trained we not right. I always used to say to myself and my husband “I don’t think that works for a UK audience” but actually what I think I was debating was actual red flags that were showing up in the business model. Things that really didn’t feel comfortable for me. Red flag after red flag, but only things I can see in hindsight. That definitely made me feel like I was disassociated with some of the more problematic parts of the training within the company/our team and I guess at least there is that and I felt like I can hold my head a little higher than I might have done had I been more of a part of these things. 

    However, I still recruited people into this problematic business model, albeit unknowingly, and ultimately involving them in a system that might lead them to either not making or losing money. 

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    Photo by Radomir Jordanovic on

    Get your mind right & all that personal development shiz

    As there is in most MLM’s, there was a strong focus on personal development within our It Works team and that if you weren’t seeing success it was because you needed to get your mind right. Gaslighting at it’s best and throwing the blame onto you instead of the business model which itself insures that most people fail. You were encouraged to do more personal development, to get your mind right, that you didn’t believe in it or yourself enough or that you weren’t working hard enough. 

    The problem isn’t people’s mindset or work ethic but a business model where more than 99.6% of people don’t succeed.

    Getting fired up

    Something I have spoken about before, is that on team pages, trainings, zooms etc, there would be times where top leaders within your team/uplines would come on and speak to you about a certain subject, usually forcefully, sometimes a bit shouty and all in the name of “getting fired up”. It seems actually more likely to be a frustrating release of a sticking point in their business, that maybe they felt frustrated with their downlines over. After all, most are blissfully unaware at just how problematic the business structure is.

    What was the focus?

    Within It Works I felt, at least on our team and in the company at large, that there was an equal focus on the products and what they did, but also on recruiting people into the opportunity too. I don’t really know, even in hindsight, if I feel like one was pushed more than the other. What I do know is that the products were very hard to sell, were very expensive for what they are, and also I did really like some of them I ultimately cannot support a company (any company) than is formulated as an MLM, whether has been or still is. I cannot put my money into a predatory business structure where more than 99% lose. As for the business opportunity, I feel that was an easier sell but again difficult because people who are interested are the people who need the extra income (that’s wholly problematic in itself in hindsight too, because these people are in a vulnerable position) but they don’t have the money to start, which ultimately does save them!

    Earning an “extra income”

    Most people in multi level marketing aren’t making a profit, in fact, 99.6% are not making or losing money and the thing is, the companies themselves aren’t hiding this, the income disclosure statements are right there for everyone to see (except in FM World, who still after 15 years of business have no income disclosure statement – huge red flag). Across the multi level marketing industry as a whole, the average earnings of a distributor is £0. 

    Although these companies put this information right out there the manipulation tactics in these teams is so strong that you could smack people round the face with the income disclosure statement and the facts, and I include myself in this, and they will still be like “Well, my company is different”. But no company with a multi level marketing structure is any different I’m afraid, there might be some that are better or worse than others, but ultimately they are all predatory and unethical in their business model and practises. 

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    Photo by Adrienn on

    How it works day to day, from the inside

    There is so much to unpick and it would take me forever to go through everything in a single video or blog post. But let’s unpick some of what goes on within It Works it here. 

    At the beginning of every month, everyone’s (and this is in every MLM) is reset to 0, everyone is the entry level rep/distributor, then as the month progresses and you run your own order, your customers orders come in (or run if they are autoshipments), your teams orders run, their customer orders come in or run etc all the volume adds up and you will start to increase your volume and possibly your rank. This is why there is such an end of month culture in MLM’s, because that is the last opportunity to rank up before the end of the month and everything is reset. 

    Something that has never sat right with me in It Works was their rank structure. You can see your current rank but you also have a lifetime rank, which is the highest rank you have achieved but bears no resemblance to where you are now. Effectively someone could tell you they are an Ambassador Diamond (the top rank in the company and earning life changing money) but actually they could have dropped rank and be earning nowhere close. It feels extremely unethical. Let’s also remember that most people are sitting at the bottom ranks of the company, in every MLM company.

    So why did I decide to leave It Works?

    Looking back there were times where I felt I was totally all in so I won’t do anyone the disservice of saying “oh, I always felt like something was off” but to some extent there was always a lot of questions, and I also felt that a lot of these were explained away to a minor extent. I feel like you were almost encouraged to stop thinking of them and just get on with things. 

    Sometimes when I was recruiting people and they were asking how much money they could make, I had that question in my mind, that I didn’t know whether I would achieve it and I didn’t know if they would either. I obviously believed and hoped, but I don’t know that I ever felt that confident in it looking back. I knew people who were making that money but I hadn’t seen it myself.

    They like to draw you in on this idea of time freedom, but once you’re in you find out that you’re required to work a lot more than anyone ever alluded to. While you do have your own free will, and I always thought to myself I worked more because I enjoyed it, but really working more is expected and encouraged. It isn’t just in the pockets of time in your day that distributors promise when they are trying to recruit you. It requires you turning into an MLM robot (ie, a hunbot), you talk only about your business, the products, what it has to offer, how it’s changing your life etc. You lose yourself and don’t even realise it. 

    One day, a new mum of a 6 week old baby I had down the outrageous thing (in MLM culture) and not worked since just before I went into labour. This is not the norm in a culture where you are encouraged to work through every single life event. Hello hustle culture. I was not about to do this, but one day when my baby was 6 weeks old I thought I would log onto the team page and see if there was anything I had missed. At this point I had no idea how I word work my business around my baby (in MLM culture they’ll call this “using my why as my excuse”). I saw a top leader on our It Works team was doing a Q&A and I casually asked a question (more to just ask one if I am honest, as I’d been mia for a few weeks) asking how people found the time to work when they were new mums, tired, feeding, being woken through the night. Well, the answer I got was that I should just work, pass my newborn baby to my husband, he should pick up the slack. I live in country where I get a years maternity leave and honestly I am still a bit shocked, but not surprised, that this is the culture. Being a new mama is full of new experiences, experiences that you will never get back. Don’t sell your soul to a company/team/upline that will rob you of those life experiences. It’s 1000% not worth it. 

    That didn’t sit right with me, being told that my newborn baby was basically getting in the way of my business a little bit and it would be best to get her out of the way. 

    And that was it for me. I was done.

    So I left It Works, I turned everything off and waited for my account to expire. In the meantime almost everyone I was friends with (the like minded community of inspiring women) blocked or unfriended me, or they certainly have done since I started sharing anti mlm content. See that’s what they do, they don’t want anyone like me infiltrating those who were friends who are still in the company. They don’t want people like me putting a doubt in peoples mind or getting them to question anything. It is the reason creators like me are dubbed as haters, people who weren’t successful or people who are just negative. They don’t want the truth to come out so calling us names or discrediting us is all they have. The problem is this: the facts are out there, they are glaringly obvious and staring us all in the face. The reports, the research, the income disclosure statements are all in the public domain. The countless stories of people who have been in mlms, even those who were in the top 1%. You can’t argue with facts so all they have is to try and discredit you. 

    MLM Resources

    FTC Resources on MLMs –

    FTC – 99% failure rate in MLM’s

    Report a scam to the FTC –

    FCA Resources on schemes –

    Action Fraud: Pyramid Scheme Fraud –

    How MLMs And Cults Use The Same Mind Control Techniques

    How MLM’s use the BITE Model (a known cult tactic) –

    How to leave an MLM


    Everything written & spoken here is for educational purposes and to spread awareness of my personal experience and opinion. My opinions don’t represent the company I partnered with, or any other network marketing or multi level marketing companies. They are my experiences and not facts. ⁣

    Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

  • Why you need to create your ideal client avatar

    When you are marketing your business you need to know who you are marketing yourself to and that is why I wanted to share with you today all about the ideal client avatar. Now let’s get this cleared up straight up, I didn’t come up with this idea at all and try as I might I have tried to search for who did so I can credit them, but I couldn’t really find a definitive answer, but it definitely isn’t mine.

    The ideal client avatar, in short, is sitting and creating your ideal client. You will think about the type of person they are, their interests, why they follow you and what their life looks like. It is also one of the steps that people tend to miss or skip over when they are creating a business, brand or community. 

    So I wanted to come on today to share with you a quick titbit on why I think this step is so important and some common mistakes people make. I am also going to share with you my own ideal client avatar in the hopes it will inspire you to create your own.

    How to create your own ideal client avatar

    As I mentioned above, the ideal client avatar is for you to create the ideal person who you want your business, brand or community to reach. In creating this ‘person’ you can ensure all your content is aimed and directed towards this ideal person. Of course it isn’t just one person but an ideal of the person you want to reach and inspire. 

    A common mistake in marketing, and something I hear from my clients frequently, is that they are worried about not appealing to everyone and want to reach everyone with their content. I am here to say that you need to start giving yourself permission to not appeal to everyone and start getting really comfortable with that idea. In business or even in community building you cannot appeal to everyone, there is no way that you ever could, and something we all need to get comfortable with is to stop trying to appeal to everyone. 

    What does the ideal client avatar do

    I know, you’re already tensing up at the idea of not appealing to everyone. Don’t worry that is completely natural but if we take a second to think it over we will realise that there is no way on the planet that we would ever be able to appeal to everyone. We are all different, we are all our own unique person and voice and not everyone is going to like us. Some of you will hate that idea, but like I said above, this journey in building our own community needs to have us getting more comfortable with getting uncomfortable.

    By creating your ideal client avatar you will start to realise that there is an audience out there for you, that they are like minded and will want to consume your content. They will support your every move, cheer you on and celebrate your wins. These are your people.

    You don’t want an audience of the opposite. You don’t want people who don’t support you, who don’t clap when you win or who are waiting for you to fail. Trust me, as a person who has built an audience with a mix of the two I can promise you that you don’t want these people around you. Let these people go with good grace. 

    I have created a free ideal client avatar sheet for you guys to download, feel free to use it and I hope it really helps you think about the type of people you surround yourself with. Whether you are growing a business, brand or Instagram community this short exercise can help no end, so really take the 10 minutes it takes and think about who your ideal person is. Then create every piece of content with this person in mind and you will be well on your way to building a like minded community who really have your back

    Download your ideal client avatar worksheet

    Grab your ideal client avatar worksheet below.

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    My ideal client avatar

    To help you get started and focused on your ideal client I thought I would share mine below, to help you get an idea of who I want in my community. I know sometimes reading others work can help you get started on doing your own.

    Rachel is a female, aged 35 and married for 5 years. She has two children, a four year old and a baby, and has just finished maternity leave. She works as an accounts assistant part time but doesn’t necessarily want to return to work after her second baby. She lives in the UK and took a year off for maternity leave with her second child.

    She enjoys creating content and meeting other mothers. She started a blog while on maternity leave and would like to learn more about how she can bring in an income from content creation, mainly using Instagram and through her blog.

    She doesn’t want to return to her job or wants to bring in an additional income, and wants to spend more time with her children alongside doing what she loves. She also acknowledges that she needs something for herself. She would like to earn an additional income to bring more money into the house.

    Rachel and her husband have debts they want to start paying off and she wants her business ideas to do that. She wants them to be able to live an easier life. Rachel doesn’t have much spare time and believes that holds her back. She is extremely self motivated and has a want to achieve.

    She is looking for hints, tips and products to make her life easier. She knows in her heart that she can have the life she wants and is ready to put it into action.

    I hope this helps you understand a little more about what is behind creating the ideal client avatar and how to create yours. I urge you to take a little time on creating this today!

  • 4 WordPress plugins you can’t live without

    My blogging platform of choice has always been WordPress. I prefer the self hosted version to the free, hosted version but both are great options when building your website and/or blog. WordPress is great as a stand alone content management system but the plugins make it an exceptional way to build a unique website.

    Today I want to share with you some of the most helpful WordPress plugins that you should definitely not live without. 

    Monster Insights

    If you’re looking for insights then look no further. Monster Insights is a Google Analytics plugin* which helps you to track your website stats and delve deeper into your analytics. Whether you are running a particular campaign or want to see what your audience are loving (or hating) then this plugin is an essential part of your WordPress build.

    Photo by Markus Winkler on

    Yoast SEO for WordPress

    This is a gamechanger if, like me, you don’t like to focus too much on SEO but know how important it is. I’m a creator, I like creating, I don’t love doing my SEO. Yoast helps you pick up what you need to do to make your content SEO friendly and how you can improve on what you’ve done. Follow the simple steps with every post and Yoast will work for you. 

    WordPress Editorial Calendar

    If you like to batch create content and plan ahead in terms of your content strategy then you need the Editorial Calendar plugin in your life. You’ll be able to view your planned, scheduled and draft content at a glance, as well as move things around to suit your wider content strategy. It makes content planning so much easier.

    Pretty Links

    Pretty links is a great option if you want to divert people to external links outside of your website using a redirect, but want to keep a similar look. With Pretty Links you can input your link (maybe a link to a mailing list landing page) and convert it into a masked link, so it looks like your website, for example when really the mailing list domain is different. I find it great to keep everything cohesive. It also means people can find me at my normal Pinterest link or at

    business coffee composition computer wordpress
    Photo by Pixabay on

    There are so many plugins you can use to work on your WordPress site. These are some I have found almost essential across my fourteen years of blogging. What plugins could you not live without?

    * Some links on this blog are affiliate links, meaning if you purchase through this link I receive payment, at no extra cost to you.

  • Why we need to stop taking Instagram engagement personally

    You see your engagement down. You’re googling tips to increase your engagement. You’re spending your spare moments making sure you’re liking, commenting and engaging (authentically!) on the app, but nothing. You blame the algorithm but you’re not quite sure what you need to do to make a change.

    Guess what? It’s time that we stopped blaming an algorithm we have no say in. And it’s definitely time we stopped trying to cheat the system.

    Pro tip: you won’t “beat” Instagram’s algorithm, it’s an ever learning, and intelligent, machine. Try as you might you won’t outsmart it. 

    The days of trying to outsmart the algorithm are over and instead it’s time to work with it. Let’s take a look at exactly what Instagram engagement is and why it is important to grow authentically. Also, why you need to stop comparing yourself to others who maybe aren’t being quite as honest as you would hope.

    Engagement is a moving target

    Instagram engagement is such a common question: How can I increase it and why does it keep dropping? So I want to share a little about the elusive Instagram algorithm. The Instagram algorithm is a learning machine. It’s about time we stopped blaming the algorithm for everything we don’t love and instead work with it. People often post about “beating the algorithm” and I am here to tell you there is no such thing. Whatever you do to “beat” it will become a learned behaviour, or even worse will be flagged as inauthentic engagement. So next time you see anything asking for likes for likes, beating the algorithm just scroll right past. 

    Engagement is a moving target and it’s hard to diagnose why one post could be seen by thousands in your audience and another will barely graze 1000. It can be such a vast amount of reasons from hashtags, to timing. Don’t let a low engaged post slow you down, by all means look at what the post was about but don’t let it deter you from sharing your message. You are needed in this world and your correct audience will find you. 

    Your audience might be changing

    If you are changing in yourself or in your content then for a period of time you might have to take an engagement hit, while your audience either adapts or changes. When you change your niche there will of course people who won’t be interested and therefore might stop interacting and might unfollow you altogether.

    Please don’t worry about people unfollowing you, there can be so many reasons why, and I always think about it as I would hate someone to continue following me if I made them feel anything but awesome and inspired. If they need to unfollow me for their own mental health then I appreciate that and I wish them well. Your audience is going to forever be coming and going and I urge you to steer clear from looking at that number too much – I know the illusive 10k is what everyone strives for and I know the swipe up is alluring but it really isn’t the be all and end all. Focus on a real, engaged community and serving that audience the best you can.

    Growing pains can be common

    It’s not unusual for me to get 500 likes on one post and the next one 150 and then 200, before up to 400. Engagement isn’t fixed so if you’re comparing yourself to an account that consistently sees the same amount of likes this could just be their normal. Or there could be an inauthentic reason behind this. The underlying cause isn’t easy to diagnose but something you can do is stop comparing yourself to other people on the internet. Focus on educating, inspiring and serving your audience and stay in your own lane. Cracking high engagement or growing your audience can’t be cheated. For those that are trying to have themselves caught in a trap. Instagram has recently updated and is cracking down big time on people using inauthentic means for their engagement, such as engagement pods or bots). Authenticity all the way and you will reap the rewards.

    What you can do, whether your engagement is low or not

    You have to be being social on Instagram. That means talking to the people who take time out of their lives to comment on your posts. Your audience deserves a couple of seconds of your time. They have gone out of their way to comment on the post. Especially a post that you probably spent great time and effort creating. The same goes for stories, if someone takes the effort to comment please reply back.

    Commenting back is the creme de la creme

    Often people go to great lengths to reply on a post and the account holder will just like it and move on. Liking is great but it isn’t enough and your engaged audience deserves more. Obviously conversations come to natural ends but please at least acknowledge that initial comment with a reply. The same goes for stories. If someone replies with a written reply please make the space to reply to them. We are all busy people so respect that time taken to comment on your content.

    Not only is it polite but it goes some way to building long lasting friendships with your audience. Imagine you are consistently taking the time to comment on someone’s content and they consistently don’t reply. Over time you will probably end up not commenting anymore, because honestly what is the point, right? Instagram then see’s this and thinks that you don’t want to see this person. It will show their content less and less, until it will eventually disappear altogether. The algorithm is always learning. So see how engagement can start to drop? By replying you will keep your audience engaged. They will continue to comment and support your posts and feel valued. As by-product your content will continue to show up in their feeds. 

    Moving forward

    Eventually, by being authentic and engaging with your followers, you will start to see a community form. People can get so caught up with the vanity metrics, the likes and follows, but the real importance comes from the connections you create. Stop worrying about the things that don’t matter and focus on being authentically you. Before you know it you’ll have that thriving community you’ve been seeking.

  • Why you need to start building your personal brand today!

    When it comes to everything social media I definitely don’t have all the answers, but one thing I am certain about is that if you’re on social media with a purpose then you need to be building a personal brand. That purpose could be something as simple as building your own like-minded community through your followers, it could be selling products (either yours or another’s), it could be building your own business, it could be getting involved in influencer marketing, being a blogger or it could be offering a service. If you are online with intention then this is for you – it’s time to really start figuring out how to build a personal brand.

    Social media is constantly filled with people launching, growing and  developing their own business and it fills me with so much joy to see people running after their dreams, taking their passion and turning it into their own business or another stream of income. That being said, there is such great importance in sharing your business online in the right way. We’ve all been party to or have noticed our social media connections dropping unsolicited messages in our inboxes telling us we’d be great at what they do and we’ve all been added to the facebook groups that we never asked to be a part of. It isn’t the ideal way to start and grow a business, so let’s dive into some ways that you can start authentically start growing a personal brand and why it is 100% the best thing you can do for yourself and your business.

    So what is a personal brand?

    So before we delve in any further I guess we ought to outline exactly what a personal brand is and why you ought to grow one online. A personal brand is brand YOU. It’s about you first, your life, your thoughts and who you represent. It let’s people get to know the person behind the business/community and lets them into your world. People are inherently curious about other people and love that glimpse into your world, and it gives your brand or business that human element, and it is these sort of connections that people are crying out for.

    personal brand

    So how can I start creating my personal brand?

    Your personal brand goes far beyond what you have to sell or offer and really starts with just you. The great thing about this is that you already know you, and who better to start representing you than you.

    Like I said, being brand you goes far beyond what you sell or offer, and can include some of the following:

    • What you share.
    • What you photograph.
    • The words you write.
    • Who you are.
    • The colour palette you choose.
    • The filters/presets you edit with.
    • The personality behind the posts.
    • The voice you have.

    Start thinking about who you are, how you want to market yourself and what you want to share with the world. You are going to be showing up as the most authentic version of yourself and you are wanting to connect with like minded individuals. One of the ways I find really helpful is to think about some categories you are known for/are passionate about/represent you. Once you dig deep and really understand who you are, what you want to share and what you want to show up as it will make creating your personal brand all that much easier.

    Some categories might include:

    • Food
    • Parenting
    • Fashion
    • Parenthood
    • Wellbeing
    • Health
    • Fitness
    • Journalling*

    You can choose anything that you feel represents you, your business or your brand, but my main piece of advice would be to ensure that it is authentic and really represents who you are as a person. 

    personal brand

    How do I share myself as a personal brand?

    So lets talk about what I personally do to build my personal brand online:

    1. I share within the 5 categories I want to be known for on my grid. These include running my own business, parenthood, wellbeing, growing a personal brand online and home decor/decluttering/being more minimal. These are all things I am passionate about which means I am always authentic when I am talking about them. My stories however, are a bit more a free-for-all.
    2. Using a grid planner to see how my grid will look. I am all about the aesthetically pleasing, so I use this predominantly for myself. I like to see what looks aesthetically pleasing to me, so I’ve been using Planoly and love it.
    3. Being creative with my photos and create photography that I love.
    4. Editing my photos using the same presets, I use my own Signature Lightroom Presets which include 15 different variations.
    5. Showing up as the real deal in my photos, in my captions and in my stories.

    Let’s build that personal brand

    Think back over the points I shared above (I’ll include them again below because I believe they are really important) and start brainstorming every element of your brand story (ie, YOUR story) and start thinking of ways in which you are able to grow and build as yourself.

    • What you share.
    • What you photograph.
    • The words you write.
    • Who you are.
    • The colour palette you choose.
    • The filters/presets you edit with.
    • The personality behind the posts.
    • The voice you have.

    Share the messy, the imperfect, the behind the scenes, the raw and the real. Sharing the human aspect of who you are and showing up as the truest version of yourself is the best way to build and grow online. 

    *This post contains affiliate links. This means if you purchase through these links I get a small financial kickback at no extra cost to you. Thanks as always for your support.

  • My podcast interview with Sydney Delucchi

    A post about my podcast interview on Sydney’s podcast.

    A couple of years ago I don’t think you would ever have got me to be brave enough to record a podcast but here I am, my first ever podcast interview on The Daily Squish Report Podcast with Sydney Delucchi

    Sydney and I met on Instagram way back when, I think when we were both pregnant with our daughters, and we’ve followed along with each others lives ever since as we navigate motherhood, raising our businesses and doing all the things with a little bit of coffee and a lot of humour. We both work in a similar industry too so it’s always great to get together and have a chat about what we do as we figure out this crazy life of working in our dream careers and raising our beautiful girls.

    When I got the opportunity to feature as a guest on her podcast I knew I had to, she is someone that inspires me everyday and I love watching her do all the business things, all the mum life things and rocking at it all.

    I jumped on with Sydney to chat about my motherhood while raising my daughter, how I almost chucked it all in before maternity leave and why having my daughter made me flip 180 on a business I thought I was done with. Mindset shift or what?!

    I am talking about how I do, why I do it, what I’ve been learning about Pinterest, reaching 100k on the platform, my free Pinterest guide and why I am loving my new little gig of creating Lightroom Presets too. Everything and more about my business and why I am still here rocking it today. Also I had the pleasure of being the first international guest too, how awesome is that!

    If you want to check it out you can check it out wherever you get your Podcasts, just search for The Daily Squish Report with Sydney Delucchi, oh, and don’t forget to subscribe too.

    Hope you enjoy it and I would love to hear what you think!

  • Building a brand: Why less is sometimes more

    Social media is exploding and more than ever building a brand and building a business are hand in hand with sharing yourself, your passions and who you really represent as a person. This can sometimes mean showing up as your whole self online and can leave you burnt out and wondering how to do it all. There are so many social media platforms out there combined with so much pressure to feel as though we need to show up everywhere and never does this feel more overwhelming than when we are building our brand online.

    Whether it be to work for ourselves, to share our creativity and content with the world, or while building our empire we know social media presence is important but what if we didn’t have to do it all in order to succeed? Today I wanted to come to you, with a little a revelation I have had since coming back from maternity leave, about finding deep joy in the power of saying no and the realisation that when it comes to developing your own brand sometimes less really is more.

    Why can less be more on Social Media?

    Since the emergence of social media and the evolving understanding on how important it can be when building a brand or business online we’ve tried to do it all. We’ve tried to grow a Facebook page, build up and Instagram following, grow our Twitter reach and so much more. Businesses, brands and content creators around the world have come to the conclusion that they *need* to be on social media without really reliving into how to do it all effectively. I was no different and diligently set up a Twitter profile, Facebook page, Instagram account and more recently I briefly dipped my toe into the world of Tik Tok (and then quickly retreated) and tried to figure out each platform at mostly the same time, posting appropriate content for each one, spreading myself thin, making myself stressed and, for most, unable to excel in any one place. 

    So, what did I do?

    If I have learnt anything over the last 14 years it is this: Less is always more. Three years ago I decided enough was enough with my social media game, I was going to stop spreading myself so thin, stop ploughing my time and work into platforms that I didn’t love (Facebook I am looking at you!) and start using my time to build my brand not only productively but intentionally too. If you would have asked me a decade ago what my favourite social media platform was I would have probably said Twitter (and I’ll always have a place for it in my heart as it is where I first connected with my husband). As time has moved on, the social media space has become more varied, platforms have come and some have gone and the world of social media is a vastly different space than it was 10 years ago. Now, my favourite spot on the internet is Instagram; its the place I love the most, it’s the place where I have connected with some of the best humans and it’s the place where I have thoroughly enjoyed building my brand. I am a creative at heart and therefore I think Instagram is my natural social media home. It allows me to marvel at other peoples beautiful photos, connect with other mama’s who are going through this crazy journey of motherhood alongside me, read the in depth stories behind the photos, keep up with friends every day lives and create and curate the beautiful content that I love for myself.

    I very much find my joy in creating beautiful photos (I’m no photographer but I do my best), sharing my own story (because everyone has a voice) and serving with integrity. Instagram is my passion project when it comes to social media and I have carved my own corner of the internet just for me. It is where I work, play and serve and I’ve been so lucky that I am now able to share my knowledge with others with the pre-release of my 5 days to level up your Instagram free course. Aside from Instagram as my social media platform of choice you can also find me here on my blog and curating and saving on Pinterest, but you won’t find me many places else, or at least you won’t find me active anywhere else. For me, for enjoyment and growing an online brand, I only commit to spending my time doing things I love and that I am passionate about. For me, less is most definitely more.

    So how can I start?

    Focusing on one social media platform, at least at first (there is nothing to say once you have cracked one you can’t move onto being awesome on another), gives you the ability to do it and do it really well. I don’t know about you but I would rather see success in one place than see little success because I have to spread myself too and thin and end up overwhelmed. I know many of you feel it too and I just want to say that it is ok not to be everywhere, it is ok to have focus in one or two places and it is absolutely ok to rock one platform before moving onto figuring out the inner workings of the next. Not only is it ok but you heard it from me: I encourage it. It will strengthen your brand, your voice, your exposure and most importantly it will go some way to supporting you, the creator, in not getting overwhelmed and burnt out. 

    But can I really be successful if I am not everywhere?

    The simple answer is of course you can and this is why you will see that people may be doing particularly well on Instagram but not so much on Facebook, or someone will come along and take a platform like Tik Tok by storm. My advice here is not to leave other platforms entirely (although that is totally your call) but to just take them one at time or in a way that feels authentic to you. For example, like I said above, Instagram is my passion project on social media and it is the place I want to be and I enjoy being. I have profiles in other places that I don’t use or rarely use so my brand is visible, Maybe when I feel like I have Instagram, Pinterest and Blog all where I want them to be I might move onto Twitter and/or Facebook, but the point being that you don’t have to do it all, have it all and make time for it all. Find one that you love, work hard, grow and serve with authenticity and integrity and see where that takes you.

    So which Social Media platform’s do I pick?

    This is going to be a different answer for everyone because we all have different passions and skills, and what works for one person/business/brand won’t necessarily work for another. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is whether you’re a business or individual you want to start showing up and growing a true brand on social media. A brand where people recognise you for your authenticity, honesty and the way you show up. Being who you are will always be more important on where you are.

    Social media isn’t supposed to be a chore and I cannot emphasise enough the power in saying no to some and only indulging in those that bring you joy. It’s ok to not have the same passion projects as others in your industry and it is ok to pursue your own things. If you can show up on your chosen platform, excel there and share and serve in an authentic way then this is your first step to finding your way as a true brand online.