Influencer Marketing

  • Why you need to start building your personal brand today!

    When it comes to everything social media I definitely don’t have all the answers, but one thing I am certain about is that if you’re on social media with a purpose then you need to be building a personal brand. That purpose could be something as simple as building your own like-minded community through your followers, it could be selling products (either yours or another’s), it could be building your own business, it could be getting involved in influencer marketing, being a blogger or it could be offering a service. If you are online with intention then this is for you – it’s time to really start figuring out how to build a personal brand.

    Social media is constantly filled with people launching, growing and  developing their own business and it fills me with so much joy to see people running after their dreams, taking their passion and turning it into their own business or another stream of income. That being said, there is such great importance in sharing your business online in the right way. We’ve all been party to or have noticed our social media connections dropping unsolicited messages in our inboxes telling us we’d be great at what they do and we’ve all been added to the facebook groups that we never asked to be a part of. It isn’t the ideal way to start and grow a business, so let’s dive into some ways that you can start authentically start growing a personal brand and why it is 100% the best thing you can do for yourself and your business.

    So what is a personal brand?

    So before we delve in any further I guess we ought to outline exactly what a personal brand is and why you ought to grow one online. A personal brand is brand YOU. It’s about you first, your life, your thoughts and who you represent. It let’s people get to know the person behind the business/community and lets them into your world. People are inherently curious about other people and love that glimpse into your world, and it gives your brand or business that human element, and it is these sort of connections that people are crying out for.

    personal brand

    So how can I start creating my personal brand?

    Your personal brand goes far beyond what you have to sell or offer and really starts with just you. The great thing about this is that you already know you, and who better to start representing you than you.

    Like I said, being brand you goes far beyond what you sell or offer, and can include some of the following:

    • What you share.
    • What you photograph.
    • The words you write.
    • Who you are.
    • The colour palette you choose.
    • The filters/presets you edit with.
    • The personality behind the posts.
    • The voice you have.

    Start thinking about who you are, how you want to market yourself and what you want to share with the world. You are going to be showing up as the most authentic version of yourself and you are wanting to connect with like minded individuals. One of the ways I find really helpful is to think about some categories you are known for/are passionate about/represent you. Once you dig deep and really understand who you are, what you want to share and what you want to show up as it will make creating your personal brand all that much easier.

    Some categories might include:

    • Food
    • Parenting
    • Fashion
    • Parenthood
    • Wellbeing
    • Health
    • Fitness
    • Journalling*

    You can choose anything that you feel represents you, your business or your brand, but my main piece of advice would be to ensure that it is authentic and really represents who you are as a person. 

    personal brand

    How do I share myself as a personal brand?

    So lets talk about what I personally do to build my personal brand online:

    1. I share within the 5 categories I want to be known for on my grid. These include running my own business, parenthood, wellbeing, growing a personal brand online and home decor/decluttering/being more minimal. These are all things I am passionate about which means I am always authentic when I am talking about them. My stories however, are a bit more a free-for-all.
    2. Using a grid planner to see how my grid will look. I am all about the aesthetically pleasing, so I use this predominantly for myself. I like to see what looks aesthetically pleasing to me, so I’ve been using Planoly and love it.
    3. Being creative with my photos and create photography that I love.
    4. Editing my photos using the same presets, I use my own Signature Lightroom Presets which include 15 different variations.
    5. Showing up as the real deal in my photos, in my captions and in my stories.

    Let’s build that personal brand

    Think back over the points I shared above (I’ll include them again below because I believe they are really important) and start brainstorming every element of your brand story (ie, YOUR story) and start thinking of ways in which you are able to grow and build as yourself.

    • What you share.
    • What you photograph.
    • The words you write.
    • Who you are.
    • The colour palette you choose.
    • The filters/presets you edit with.
    • The personality behind the posts.
    • The voice you have.

    Share the messy, the imperfect, the behind the scenes, the raw and the real. Sharing the human aspect of who you are and showing up as the truest version of yourself is the best way to build and grow online. 

    *This post contains affiliate links. This means if you purchase through these links I get a small financial kickback at no extra cost to you. Thanks as always for your support.

  • How I grew my Pinterest to 100k in 30 days + grab my free Pinterest Guide

    Pinterest has kind of always been there hasn’t it? The platform that we run to when we are looking for a new recipe, a DIY idea or when we are looking at some creative ideas to do with the kids. But, did you know it is also one of the most incredible marketing tools out there and you literally cannot afford to be on the platform if you have a business, brand or side hustle?

    Today I want to share with you my free Pinterest guide & tangible tips on how I grew it to 100k in just 30 days with a few simple steps. Keep reading for all the good stuff.

    Isn’t it just another Social Media Platform?

    You’d definitely be forgiven for thinking that it is just another social media platform because Pinterest has long been lumped in the same category with the likes of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, but while these platforms are often focused on vanity metrics such as likes and follows (which mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things)Pinterest is more a search engine.

    Think about it for a second, are there any other social media platforms you can search so intently for what you are looking for, such as a recipe, a craft tutorial or tips on how to write the perfect blog post? The answer is of course no, there is no easy way to look for these things on the likes of Facebook and Instagram with any particular ease, if even at all.

    Going forward with the notion of Pinterest being a search engine will help you so much in being able to show up and serve your audience. They aren’t just interested in what you had for dinner but are interested in every step in how they can make it too. When you look at it this way it will be easier for you to show up and share the correct content on Pinterest to serve your audience and beyond.

    Grab my Quick Pinterest Guide for FREE

    If you are looking for a way to grow your Pinterest and understand how it all works then grab my free Pinterest guide below.

    Grab your Quick Pinterest Guide
    & get my exact roadmap in how I grew my Pinterest to 100k (and beyond)
    Thank you for subscribing!

    How did I grow my audience to 100k in just 30 days? 

    I know this is most likely the reason you clicked on this content, because it sounds pretty alluring doesn’t it? Growing your Pinterest to 100k in just 30 days just seems like a feat that you wouldn’t even know where to start with.

    First things first, grab my Quick Pinterest Guide for free above because it has all the tangible tips you need to know and apply to understand what you need to be doing on the platform to grow. Pinterest has an ever changing algorithm that has recently undergone some big changes so don’t miss out on getting in on the ground floor. You have a very real chance to grow and fast right now so I really recommend jumping in and just taking the leap and learning as you go.

    My 3 step plan to conquering Pinterest:

    1. Create fresh, new pins for all current and new content. This can include multiple pins linking to the same content on your website.
    2. Repin your appropriate content.
    3. Pin content that is connected to you/your brand.

    This simple three-step plan along with all the knowledge I have shared with you in my free Quick Pinterest Guide is the exact strategy I used to grow my Pinterest to 100k in just 30 days.