
  • Jumpstart Your Simple Living Journey with These Easy Tips

    Have you heard about living more simply and been intrigued? Has slowing down your life been on your radar but you just don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry – I’ve got you because I have been there too. Life in this modern world is busy, it’s bright, it’s always on, and sometimes we don’t necessarily know how to begin to slow our lives down. 

    A common question, or statement, I hear when I talk about slow and simple living is that people feel they can’t do it because they have a 9-5 job or they live what they consider to be a busy life. They have this idea of what it is ‘supposed’ to look like and feel like it’s completely unattainable for them.  Slow and simple living isn’t about never being busy, or not having those demands that sometimes seem like a lot. Instead, it is about finding ways in our already established lives to create slow and simple rhythms that help us create a more intentional life for ourselves. 

    What if I told you that whatever your life looks like there are things you can do to start to put slow and simple living in motion? These go-to slow and simple living tips will help you re-evaluate what busy means to you and help you implement areas of slowing down and simplicity in your life. Whatever that looks like in your life, these tips will help you live more intentionally, starting today.

    Leave hustle culture behind

    Leaving a multi-level marketing company and the onset of the global pandemic provided the perfect opportunity for me to reassess my life and fully embrace the art of slowing down. While the pandemic brought about immense challenges, it also granted our family the chance to reconsider our priorities and the way we choose to live. It was during those initial lockdown days that I first delved into the world of slow living. As we adapted to a life where work took place within the comforting confines of our home, I often found myself standing on my balcony, gazing out at a world in turmoil, and pondering the mysteries of the outside world. This practice still resonates with me today.

    Many aspects of slow living had already found their way into our lives, but this period marked the beginning of a profound transformation. As the world gradually reopened, I realised that I was in no rush to return to the fast-paced routines of the past. The significance of many things had shifted in my perspective, and I found solace in embracing a simpler, more intentional way of life.

    When you finally feel ready to leave hustle culture behind and embrace a slower, more intentional way of living, you can start by identifying your why. Ask yourself why you want to make this change and what truly matters to you. Is it more time with your family? Do you want to pursue a passion? Or do you just want to create a better balance in your life? When you start to pinpoint your motivations you will have a better idea of how to make decisions that align with your values. Your why will then become your anchor in this busy world, constantly reminding you of the path you want to take toward a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    Declutter your space and mind

    When we think about decluttering we often think about tidying up and minimising our physical surroundings, but it is also a powerful practice that can extend to your mental landscape too. When you clear out the excess of the physical possessions that no longer serve you, you create room for mental clarity and peace. The act of decluttering becomes a metaphor for letting go of mental burdens, unnecessary worries, and distractions. As you simplify your physical space, you’ll often find that your mind follows suit, becoming less cluttered and more focused. It’s a beautiful synergy between our external environment and internal wellbeing, where the art of decluttering paves the way for a simpler, more intentional way of living.

    Decluttering your physical space and sometimes seem overwhelming, so start with a small, manageable area like a single drawer, shelf, or even your workspace. When you tackle a small space you start to accumulate small wins which will help your sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going. As you begin to declutter your physical space, pay attention to the sense of lightness and clarity it brings. This physical transformation so often leads to a mental one, which inspires you to re-evaluate clutter across your entire life. You can download my decluttering checklists from my shop here.

    Nourish your wellbeing through mindful living

    When you nourish your own wellbeing you start a holistic journey that starts with the practice of mindful living. It’s about being fully present in many of life’s moments, savouring the simplicity of lifes simple pleasure, and finding a balance in a world that can feel overwhelming as it encourages constant busyness. Mindful living isn’t a trend, it is a way to connect deeply with your inner self and the world around you. By practicing mindfulness you are better able to cultivate an awareness whereby you are better able to make conscious choices that along with your true values and desires. 

    When people hear the word Mindfulness they often think it requires sitting for hours, with a blank mind, in a meditative state, and therefore immediately dismiss it out of hand as something they don’t have time for. Incorporating mindfulness into your life doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing endeavor. Instead, you can choose just one small mindful activity that resonates with you. It could be mindful breathing, a short meditation, or enjoying a tea or coffee without interruptions: anything that feels manageable for you. When you start with one practice you can slowly ease yourself into the concept of mindfulness and how you can weave them into your daily routine. Every small step that you take will help contribute to your wellbeing and help you integrate slow and simple living into your everyday life. 

    How you can start to embrace Slow & Simple Living in your own life

    Are you yearning to hit the brakes and embrace a slower, more intentional way of living, but you’re unsure of where to begin? I’ve crafted this delightful freebie just for you, designed to kickstart your journey into the world of slow & simple living. It’s packed with practical tips to help you infuse slowness into every facet of your daily life.

    Begin your journey towards a slower, more simpler life.

    In a life that constantly feels fast-paced and on-the-go, are you longing to find the beauty in slowing down but aren’t sure how to begin?
    Look no further! I’ve crafted this delightful freebie to guide you in your quest to infuse slow living into every facet of your life, making the journey enjoyable and accessible.

    Thank you for subscribing!

    So there you have it! My go-to ways to help you start to embrace that slow and simple lifestyle you’ve been thinking of but haven’t had a clue where to start. Are you ready to embark on a journey of understanding what slow and simple living truly means and how to infuse it into your own life? Don’t forget to download the Slow & Simple Living Guide above. Also be sure to check out The Slow Living Collective Podcast where we unravel the essence of slow and simple living in our weekly episodes, providing practical steps and holding space for you to begin your transformative journey towards a more intentional and fulfilling life. 

    Feeling Overwhelmed?
    Get My Free Guide to Slow Down & Simplify Your Life

    Your no-fuss guide with simple, actionable steps to help you create a slower, calmer and more intentional life.

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  • 5 steps to level up your Instagram + grab my free Instagram cheat sheet

    Probably the most common question I get when it comes to Instagram is how to grow on the platform. I am going to let you into a little secret, the sooner you stop focusing on vanity metrics such as followers, likes and comments the happier and more successful you will ultimately be.

    Read that again.

    You need to stop focusing on the number and get on with being yourself, shining your light, sharing your voice and showing up with integrity.

    I decided a long time ago that I wanted to share with you everything I have learnt about my time on Instagram, but I didn’t just want to share how to grow in number, because I truly believe that that is not the thing to focus on on that platform. So without further ado…

    It’s finally here, my Instagram mini course that I have been planning for the longest time is now out in the world and I cannot wait for you guys to delve in and take away some tangible tips to help you thrive on your own Instagram accounts. Best of all, it’s currently free – I don’t know if it will always be that way though, so make sure you get yourself in and on the list while it is, because you will have lifetime access and never have to re-register or pay + you will also get all updates too!

    It still feels so surreal that my first course is finally out in the world, from those first thoughts about doing this while I was on maternity leave, it is always so great to see something come to fruition. It’s been a long couple of months for us all hasn’t it? Lockdown hasn’t been easy and there are many times that I didn’t feel inspired enough to make it happen, not to mention so much happening in our lives over the past 8 weeks that it’s been hard to focus on anything but life.

    Showing up real & with integrity

    But here we are and I am so excited to finally share it with you guys, I hope you enjoy it and absorb it and I can’t wait to see you put some of the tips to work too. With everything I do, whether it be on Instagram, on this blog or throughout any of my online endeavours I always lead and show up with integrity, and that is what this course is founded on, showing up as the truest version of yourself. In the course you’ll learn the Instagram basics, take you back to the beginning (or start you off on the right foot if you are just starting out), help you create beautiful photo content and captions that share who you are. 

    If you want to get yourself enrolled in this free mini course head over now, I can’t wait to see you there.

    As well as creating this course, I also created my own little cheat sheet for you to download and refer to. You can either use it alongside the course or on its own and helps you with a few simple things, such as what you can use for editing, planning and link sharing when it comes to Instagram.

    instagram cheat sheet
    Thank you for subscribing!

    I am so excited to share with you how to create an Instagram account built on integrity and focused on being who you truly are. There is so much power in showing up as the truest version of yourself and connecting with other like-minded individuals, and I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me.

  • How I grew my Pinterest to 100k in 30 days + grab my free Pinterest Guide

    Pinterest has kind of always been there hasn’t it? The platform that we run to when we are looking for a new recipe, a DIY idea or when we are looking at some creative ideas to do with the kids. But, did you know it is also one of the most incredible marketing tools out there and you literally cannot afford to be on the platform if you have a business, brand or side hustle?

    Today I want to share with you my free Pinterest guide & tangible tips on how I grew it to 100k in just 30 days with a few simple steps. Keep reading for all the good stuff.

    Isn’t it just another Social Media Platform?

    You’d definitely be forgiven for thinking that it is just another social media platform because Pinterest has long been lumped in the same category with the likes of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, but while these platforms are often focused on vanity metrics such as likes and follows (which mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things)Pinterest is more a search engine.

    Think about it for a second, are there any other social media platforms you can search so intently for what you are looking for, such as a recipe, a craft tutorial or tips on how to write the perfect blog post? The answer is of course no, there is no easy way to look for these things on the likes of Facebook and Instagram with any particular ease, if even at all.

    Going forward with the notion of Pinterest being a search engine will help you so much in being able to show up and serve your audience. They aren’t just interested in what you had for dinner but are interested in every step in how they can make it too. When you look at it this way it will be easier for you to show up and share the correct content on Pinterest to serve your audience and beyond.

    Grab my Quick Pinterest Guide for FREE

    If you are looking for a way to grow your Pinterest and understand how it all works then grab my free Pinterest guide below.

    Grab your Quick Pinterest Guide
    & get my exact roadmap in how I grew my Pinterest to 100k (and beyond)
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    How did I grow my audience to 100k in just 30 days? 

    I know this is most likely the reason you clicked on this content, because it sounds pretty alluring doesn’t it? Growing your Pinterest to 100k in just 30 days just seems like a feat that you wouldn’t even know where to start with.

    First things first, grab my Quick Pinterest Guide for free above because it has all the tangible tips you need to know and apply to understand what you need to be doing on the platform to grow. Pinterest has an ever changing algorithm that has recently undergone some big changes so don’t miss out on getting in on the ground floor. You have a very real chance to grow and fast right now so I really recommend jumping in and just taking the leap and learning as you go.

    My 3 step plan to conquering Pinterest:

    1. Create fresh, new pins for all current and new content. This can include multiple pins linking to the same content on your website.
    2. Repin your appropriate content.
    3. Pin content that is connected to you/your brand.

    This simple three-step plan along with all the knowledge I have shared with you in my free Quick Pinterest Guide is the exact strategy I used to grow my Pinterest to 100k in just 30 days.