
  • Creative idea for an Easter Egg Dessert

    A post about the creative ways you can use your leftover and create a fun Easter Egg dessert.

    It’s that time again, Easter. If you’re anything like our family we do tend to end up with quite a few Easter Eggs and I always try and make this fun dessert with them. The kids really love it and I must admit, it tastes pretty great. It’s always a great Easter treat. I’ve even gone so far before to create these for all the family to eat for dessert after our Easter Day dinner.

    If you’re overrun with Easter eggs this year and you don’t quite know what to do with them all, don’t worry, I’ve got your back. With a simple recipe that is firstly so easy to create but is also quick and will be loved by the entire family. I made this for our Easter Sunday dessert after our roast and it did not disappoint. So stay tuned and enjoy this creative Easter Egg Dessert.

    Easter Egg Dessert

    All you need is three ingredients; An Easter egg (or two), a pack of angel delight and something for a topping (more chocolate, chocolate chips, sweets…anything).

    The Recipe

    Easy Angel Delight Easter Eggs

    Easy Angel Delight Easter Eggs

    Prep Time: 5 minutes
    Additional Time: 10 minutes
    Total Time: 15 minutes


    • 1 Easter Egg
    • 1 pack Angel Delight ((flavour of choice))
    • 300 ml Milk
    • 1 pack Malteser bunnies


    1. Measure out 300ml of milk
    2. Add your Angel Delight mix
    3. Whisk Angel Delight until fluffy
    4. Pour into each of the Easter egg halves
    5. Place your topping of choice on the top of pressed slightly into the Angel Delight
    6. Refridgerate for no more than 24 hours

    We used the strawberry but I am tempted to try it with banana next, in my mind you can’t get a better mix than banana and chocolate!

    If you give this a try I would love to know what you think, and don’t forget to check out my easy Instagram reel showing you how easy it is too!